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How Horses Grow Winter Coats
How Horses Grow Winter Coats
Autumn days - a chill in the air and geese flying south. Pumpkins...and fuzzy horses. Many horses start to put on winter coats in autumn. But what is the cause? It could…
Best Horse Breeds for Kids
Best Horse Breeds for Kids
Which horse is the best for children? There isn't a single breed. Each horse is unique and it is dangerous for you to use breed as your primary indicator of temperament. You can narrow down…
A Guide to Gelding
A Guide to Gelding
Castration is the most commonly performed equine surgery on horse farms. While veterinarians may use different methods, routine castrations follow the same process and aftercare procedures. These are the essential facts to…
American Paint Horse
American Paint Horse
American Paint Horse History Hernando Cortes, an explorer from 1519, carried two horses with pinto markings aboard his voyage. This is the first American description of such horses. Horses with Paint coloring…
Why Women Love Horses
Why Women Love Horses
Why women love horses: The connection between horses, girls, and later women has been hidden from sociologists until recently.Corrie Bruning, a seventeen-year old girl admits she is a horse girl. She…
Facts About Buckskin Horses
10 Fun Facts About Buckskin Horses
We've been exploring the beauty and charm of black horses, palominos, chestnuts, the joy of greys over the last few months. It's no surprise that we love buckskin horses. There's nothing more beautiful than a gorgeous buckskin. Continue…
Horse Pregnancy
Horse Pregnancy: Signs, Stages, Timeline & Care
Horses can become pregnant as naturally and as normal as other mammals and humans. We can understand your nervousness if your mare is pregnant for the first time. Horse pregnancy can be divided…
Respiratory Problems
Respiratory Problems
Horses can be infected by Equine Influenza or other respiratory viruses (rhinopneumonitis or rhino virus) at any time of the year. Horses who are exposed to other horses or those that…
Evaluating the Lame Horse
LAMENESS EXAMS: Evaluating the Lame Horse
Any horse can be affected by stress, strain, or injury, even if they have no obvious conformation problems. You should immediately contact your veterinarian if you notice lameness. By having your problem…
Selenium in the Equine Diet
Selenium in the Equine Diet
Selenium, a trace mineral, is vital for cell function in the human body. Horses are not prone to acute toxicities or death from large amounts of selenium. It is more common to…
Equine Ophthalmology for Horse
Equine Ophthalmology for Horse Owners
VISION in the HORSE: WHAT DOES A HORSE "SEE?" Horses have a 360 degree total visual field. This means that horses can see their tail with their heads pointed forward. Post-natally,…
Choke in Horses
Understanding Choke in Horses
Espophageal obstruction (or "choke") is a common equine emergency. Choking in horses is different from choking in humans. In human medicine, choking refers only to a tracheal or windpipe obstruction. But…
Common Equine Eye Myths on Horses
Common Equine Eye Myths
The Internet is an amazing resource. It allows horse owners all over the world to quickly and easily exchange ideas about horsemanship and management. Unfortunately, there is a lot of incorrect…
Stomatitis In Horses
Vesicular Stomatitis In Horses
Vesicular stamatitis (VS), a contagious disease, can affect horses, livestock, wildlife, and humans. Although the disease is not life-threatening, it can have a significant financial impact on horses. Vesicular Stomatitis can be…
Getting a Handle on Scratches
Getting a Handle on Scratches
Equine pastern Dermatitis (EPD) is a skin reaction that can cause scrubbing. It is not a disease. Owners and veterinarians must address the primary, predisposing, and perpetuating causes of a case.…
Vaccination Guidelines on Horses
Vaccination Guidelines
These guidelines are meant to serve as a guide for veterinarians who use vaccines in their practices. These guidelines are not intended to be used as directives or regulations and should…
What to Expect When Owning A Horse
What to Expect When Owning A Horse
You have made the decision to buy a horse and join the millions of other horse owners. Horses, like all large animals, are highly responsible. Horses are now living longer and more…
The Best Hay For Your Horse
10 Tips For Choosing The Best Hay For Your Horse
Hay of high quality can provide important nutrients for your horse's diet. Horses' energy and protein needs depend on their age, stage of development and how much they work. A mature horse…
Tapeworms in Horses
Tapeworms in Horses
Anoplocephala Perfoliata is a common equine tapworm. It can be found on all properties that horses have access to pasture. It's not unusual to find this parasite on a horse. Tapeworms are a…
Hoof Abscesses
Hoof Abscesses
Many horse owners are familiar with this scenario: Yesterday your horse was healthy, but today your horse is crippled. What could have possibly happened? It is possible that this horse has a…
Overweight Horse
Overweight Horse
Special Care & Nutrition Horse ownership is a rewarding business. Many horses will eat more than they need if given the chance, which can lead to an unhealthy balance. Overfeeding your horse…
Signs of a Healthy Horse
Signs of a Healthy Horse
My advice to veterinary students is to see a lot of horses that are healthy and sound in order to identify a sick horse or lame horse. Although horses are different,…
Tick Control in Horses
Tick Control in Horses
Ticks are an increasing parasite of horses in the United States. They are common in many parts of the country, where they were not present before. Global warming is blamed by some,…
Hunters Jumpers
Hunters, Jumpers: What’s the Difference?
What is the difference between jumpers and hunters? How/where can I learn more? The most significant difference between jumpers and hunters is how they are judged. Judges of hunters are subjectively…
Horse Noseband
Become a Horse Noseband Know-It-All
Find out about the various types of nosebands available and how to choose the right one for you horse. There is no one way to determine the best noseband for…
Rain Rot on Horses
Beneath The Surface of Rain Rot
Learn more about the contagious bacterial skin condition dermatophilosis. Prevention is important and treatment is crucial. A skin condition known as dermatophilosis (or rain rot) could cause matted tufts or…
Using Draw Reins and Side Reins
Using Draw Reins and Side Reins
Lisa Zinger, FEI Dressage competitor, explains draw reins and side reins with tips for avoiding common errors. What are the purposes of side and draw reins? How and when should they…
Horse Shoe
To Shoe or Not to Shoe?
Based on your horse's individual needs, decide whether you will shoe or leave him barefoot. A horse's hoof can, in many cases, provide all the support, protection and traction that…
Horses Power Naps
How Horses Sleep: Power Naps
Studies of herds of wild and semi-wild horses show that horses take "power naps" and use the buddy system to get the rest they need while keeping safe from predators.…
How Horses Sleep Power Naps
How Horses Sleep: Power Naps
Research on wild and semi-wild horses has shown that they take power naps and use the buddy system for rest and protection from predators. You need eight hours of uninterrupted…
Headshaking Syndrome on Horses
Get a Grip on Headshaking Syndrome
This cranial-nerve disorder can be managed to improve the quality of your horse's life. Trigeminal-mediated head shaking, a nerve disorder that causes frequent and seemingly involuntary head tilting, could be…
Common Sport Horse Injuries
5 Common Sport Horse Injuries
You can find out if your horse is at high risk for these sidelines, including deep digital flexor tendon and suspensory ligament injuries. How can a horse be like a…
Lyme Disease in Horses
Lyme Disease in Horses
Lyme disease in horses is on the rise. Here are the facts. Stiffness in the right hock of your horse was the first problem. Although the hock is now more flexible, he…
Torn Horse Tendon
Torn Horse Tendon
To give your horse the best chance of a complete recovery after a tendon tear, learn what to do at each stage. 9-12 months. Your veterinarian has advised that your horse…
Bang Your Horse’s Tail
Bang Your Horse’s Tail
To make your horse look more fuller and cleaner, you can simply bangle their tail. This is a simple way to make the horse's head look longer. This sharp look is…
Hock Problems in Horses
Combat Hock Problems in Horses
These critical joints can be damaged by wear and tear. These are the most recent targeted treatments to prevent hock problems in horses. Your horse is leaning against the bit, refusing…
How Horses Sleep
How Horses Sleep
What is the best way for your horse to sleep well? Experts in equine behavior say that it may not be what you think. It's nearly time to get warm for…
Swollen Leg Horses
Swollen Leg: Cellulitis
This microbial infection can be treated quickly by taking immediate action. Although your horse seemed fine last night when you left him alone in his stall, this morning, he is…
Rider Position Fixes
10 Time-Tested Rider Position Fixes
This guide will help you manage your most stubborn riding issues. We have seen and heard your pleas for assistance on our forums, in letters, e-mails and in your Jumping…
Can My Horse Have Beer?
Can My Horse Have Beer?
A reader asked if her horse can drink beer. Q A racehorse trainer in Ireland once said to me that horses are traditionally fed Guinness(r), beer, after they win a competition. Do…
Pull Your Horse's Mane
How to Pull Your Horse’s Mane
Q: As I get ready to show my horse, my barn friends advise me that I must pull the mane of my horse so it can be braided. It sounds awful…
Summer Sores in Horses
How to Treat and Prevent Summer Sores in Horses
Horses are experiencing more summer sores. Find out more about parasite-related skin conditions. (c) Amy K. Dragoo It began with a superficial cut on your horse's pastern. It was quickly cleaned up…
Leasing a Horse
The Benefits of Leasing a Horse
Leasing a horse can be a cost-saving option for those who are budget conscious. This arrangement is essentially a formal rental agreement between a horse owner and a rider. It has…
Horses Cribbing Collars
Alternatives to Cribbing Collars
Q "My horse has been a cribber for a long time and I cannot get him to stop. A cribbing collar would make him feel uncomfortable. Is there any other way to stop…
Suspensory Injuries in Horses
Suspensory Injuries in Horses
However, a torn suspensory nerve can end your horse's career. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a difference. The suspensory ligament is stretched to allow the horse's fetlock to sink…
Get Rid of Rain Rot
How To Get Rid of Rain Rot
A. Rain rot is an equine bacterial skin condition caused by Dermatophilus consgolensis. These scabs are crusty and can cause bare patches on the skin. Rain rot is a disease that affects the areas…
Stress of Estrus Mare Horses
To Ease the Stress of Estrus
You notice your mare becoming more cranky as the days get longer and you anticipate more riding time. You should be careful with her pinched ears and difficulty under saddle. She will…
Horse Thrush
How To Treat Your Horse’s Thrush
A. Thrush refers to a bacterial infection in the tissue of a frog. It is located in the V-shaped structure between the sole, wall, and bars at the heel of…
Hunters Jumper
Hunters, Jumpers: What’s the Difference?
The most significant difference between jumpers and hunters is how they are judged. Judges of hunters are subjectively made by expert horsemen based on their style, movement, conformation, overall appearance, and…
sweet itch on horses
Sweet itch
Sweet itching is one of the most common allergies that horses suffer from in the UK. Learn how to prevent and treat it. What is sweet itching? Sweet itch can…
Mites on Horses
How do you treat mites in horses?
Feathers can look amazing, especially when they are in flight. They can pose a problem for those who care for horses with this amount of hair. Infestation with heel mites is one…
Mud Fever in Horses
Mud fever in horses
What is mud fever? This term can also be used to describe a variety of skin conditions, commonly known as pastern dermatis. The infection can be caused by bacteria that thrives…
Winter Months: Preparation for Horses
There are several ways for you to get ready for winter. You can wear your seaters and woolly mittens when going outside. While staying at home, you can turn on…
Taking Care of Pregnant Mares
For around 345 days, mares gestate. But equine pregnancy is not a delicate year. But most horses do well when pregnant. And to have a successful delivery, you would only…
Stallions: How Often Can They Breed?
While most stallions start producing sperm as early as 12 to 14 months, most are at least 15 months of age or older. Until they are able to breed successfully.…
Handling Aggressive Stallions
Most of the time, stallion have an inborn attitude to dominate their handlers. Even other horses and especially mares in heat. Trained stallions respect their human handlers all the time.…
Castration in Horses: The Important Matters
For horses to have a better castrating process, you need to educate yourself. With this, you can identify all the possible decisions for the horses’ betterment. For centuries, castration controls…
Castration in Horses: The Problems that may Occur
Castration is a medical operation that a veterinarian performs. It is the elimination of male horses' testicles. The operation may do through standing position by local anesthesia and sedation. Also,…
Dressage: The Movements of Horses
The dressage discipline is much like a ballet on the back of the horse. The rider and horse work together to execute movements that appear effortless. Also, it has a…
Dressage horses: How they are trained?
There are various functions that horses can pull through. One of those functions is being used in a competition – a dressage horse. Dressage is a way of riding and…
Dressage Competition: Some Matters to Expect
There are many dressage competitions held internationally. Horsemen, both men and women, compete in various competitions. There are competitions that being done from amateur to Western Equestrian Games and Olympic…
Dressage: The Importance of Having It
The core of most disciplines for horse riding is dressage. It is the main blocks in developing aids. Also, dressage is beneficial to horses since they can improve their athletic…
Minerals Horses Get from Forages
The horse 's normal feeding habit is to eat small quantities of roughage always. A "forage" only diet is deficient in many necessary vitamins and minerals. And horses must be…
Deworming for horses: How often it need?
Over the years, one of the reasons why horses suffer from weight loss is because of an excessive number of internal parasites. Internal parasites rub the nutrients, and they compete…
Vitamin E: An Essential Necessity for Horses
Horses, by nature, are strong and fast. This is the reason why humankind domesticated them for years – they are helpful in farms, for pulling carts and riding. Some people…
Reasons for Chronic Weight Loss in Horses
Weight loss is due to the fact that the body uses more calories than it absorbs. There are many possible causes of persistent weight loss in the horses. Like poor…
The Importance of Protein for Horses
Many horse owners are afraid of protein. And think it makes their horses crazy. In young horses, some believe it causes laminitis and growth problems. Or even contributes to kidney…
Face Horse Whorls Horses
What Is A Whorl, Swirl or Cowlick? A swirl or whorl, as it is also called, is a distinctive pattern in an animal's hair layers. It often revolves around a…
Lifespan: How Long Do Horses Live
Caring for a horse has a lot of factors. You need to decide where to house them and who will tend to their medical needs and their hooves. You’ll have…
How To Tell Your Horse Is Sick
Horses are creatures of habit. They are prey animals who will do everything to hide any signs of weaknesses. Now this can become a problem as it’s down to us as responsible…
Providing a balanced equine diet is one of the most crucial parts of horse ownership. Yet its complexity means it is often misunderstood or even overlooked. When feeding your horse,…
Identifying Horse Skin Diseases
Skin diseases or conditions are quite hard to diagnose and treat. But it’s unavoidable that your horse will experience some sort of minor skin problems. There are many common skin…
Best Pain Reliever Products for Horses
8 Best Pain Reliever Products for Horses
Pain in horses will prove a wide range of signs and changes on their behavior. This is depending on the location and severity of the pain. These things often causes…
Equine Stroke Symptoms
Stroke cases in a horse present similar symptoms to a human case. Stroke in horses occur when blood flow to the brain ceases or interrupted. Equine strokes are usually caused by either…
The Importance of Shoes to Horses
Providing good hooves for your horse is important. Taking care of your horse's hooves also means taking care of its health. Such as, its strength, respiratory, circulatory and immune system.…