Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Allison Price
Why are there so many terms for horses’ coats? Some people believe that the length of the coat is what determines the appearance. This is not the case. This is the end of the argument.
Are horses allowed to have fur? Although fur and hair are interchangeable terms for certain animals, an equestrian will not refer to their horse’s coat as fur. Although horse’s hair is called “hair”, it is more commonly called their coat.
This post will discuss the differences between fur hair and fur . We’ll also be sharing some tips on how to assess the health of your horse’s fur and how it can help you understand their condition.
Understanding the Horse’s Hair
The hair of a horse serves many purposes. The hair of a horse provides protection from wind and cold, and helps maintain stable body temperatures. Your horse’s coat also helps keep flies away and other pests at bay.

You can learn about the anatomy and many uses of the hair on your horse to help you groom it properly.
What’s the Difference Between Horse Hair and Fur?
Fur is found on dogs and cats, as well as large mammals like bears. But what about horses? Fur is dense enough that it can be used to make garments and other items. On the other hand, hair is usually much thinner and less dense than fur.
Hair and fur are very similar, despite the differences in the terms being used. Both hair and fur are made from keratin, which grows through the skin’s follicles. Equestrians refer to horse’s coat as hair. However, many horse lovers refer to their horse’s hair simply as a coat.
Anatomy of Horse Hair
To properly care for horses’ hair, it is important to understand the anatomy of each individual hair. Your horse’s hair is very similar to your hair. Each hair strand has three distinct layers that serve a different purpose.
The medulla is the innermost layer of hair. This layer is made up of loosely packed cells, which can become brittle if they aren’t properly hydrated. How thick each individual hair is determined by the diameter of its medulla. The medulla of your horse’s body is thinner, while those of the tail and mane are thicker.
The cortex is located around the medulla. The cortex is made up of keratin and water. Keratin also contributes to hair strength. Keratin can be found in the skin and nails. The cortex also contains melanin, which controls the color of the horse’s hair.
The cuticle is the layer of hair visible to the eyes. Cuticle health can often determine the shine or dullness in a horse’s hair. The coat will look dull and brittle if the cuticle becomes dry, irritated, or otherwise unhealthy. However, a healthy cuticle will look shiny, healthy, and luscious.
You can better groom your horse by understanding the anatomy of his hair. Many times, the problem that causes your horse’s coat to lose shine is caused by a problem in the cortex (or middle layer) of their hair.
Are Horses able to shed their coats?
Three coats are available to horses: a light summer, short winter, and long winter. Horses will shed during the shedding season. Photoperiods are what control your horse’s shedding. Photoperiods are the natural way that your horse’s brain responds to daylight hours, signaling either coat growth or shed.
Horse owners may choose to alter the natural growth patterns of horses’ coats. Horse owners often delay the development of thick winter coats by keeping their horses in a well-lit barn after sunset.
Why is my horse losing hair?
Your horse’s coat can give you a lot of information about his health. Although proper grooming can improve the coat’s shine, it is almost impossible to achieve a shiny coat with only external methods.
A lack of nutrition is the most common reason for brittle or dull coats in horses. You should check the vitamins and minerals they receive to ensure your horse has a healthy hair.
It’s never good to find out that your horse is losing hair . Routine shedding may be the reason for hair loss that occurs during seasonal changes. Hair loss can also occur due to certain diseases or illnesses.
Anagen defluxion or telogen defluxion are two of the most common causes of hair loss in horses. Anagen defluxion and telogen defluxion are two of the most common causes of hair loss in horses.
How to Take Care of your Horse’s Coat
Your horse’s overall appearance is directly affected by the health and condition of their coat. A horse with a healthy and lustrous coat is the best. This is a difficult goal that requires dedication and hard work. These are some ways to improve the health of your horse’s hair.
Proper nutrition
Your horse’s hair health is dependent on the nutrients they receive. A horse needs to have a healthy diet that includes adequate levels of fat and protein. This will ensure a shiny coat.
Encourage circulation
Healthy skin encourages healthy hair. Your horse’s skin contains natural oils which help keep your hair hydrated and healthy. It is possible to promote oil production and increase circulation, which can help encourage healthy hair. You can do this with a cactus towel, currycomb, or professional horse massage.
Address the Root Causes
As we have discussed, dull or brittle hair can be a sign of an underlying condition. It might be time for professional help if you have done a thorough assessment of your horses and tried to groom them properly with no success. There are many factors that can cause dull hair, including parasites and glandular problems.
Take care of your skin
Hair appearance is greatly affected by the health of the skin. It is important to bathe and groom your horse but it is also important to keep the natural oils that promote shiny hair healthy.
Shampooing your horse’s coat on a regular basis is unnecessary in most cases. For rinsing your horse’s hair of dirt and sweat, you can use plain water. Shampooing your horse’s hair with plain water is often enough.
A coat conditioner can also be used to replenish the natural oils lost during shampooing. To eliminate any potential irritation or residue, thoroughly rinse your horse after using any product.
Grooming horses has many benefits
Through my many years of experience as an equestrian, the skills and knowledge I gained in grooming have been invaluable. These are just some of the reasons I consider grooming one of the most important aspects of horse ownership.
Grooming promotes good health
You groom your horse by carefully inspecting each part of their body. You can also assess for soreness and pain.
Grooming provides ground-level interaction
Trust is one of the most important things horse owners can do for their horses. You can spend time with your horse and allow them to get to know you by grooming. Grooming can also be a great way for horses to become more comfortable with humans, and build trust and acceptance.
You can read my horse grooming manual here.
Equestrians are a passion of mine. I love everything about horse ownership, from riding to grooming. You can have a shiny, shiny coat that will be the envy of all your barn friends by learning how to groom your horse, improving their diet and being aware of signs of illness.