Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Allison Price
Q. My horse frequently passes gas under the saddle. It happens most often when we begin cantering. What is the cause of this? He appears to be in good health, is happy, and eats well.
A. Some horses can pass gas when they are ridden, but not all horses are gassy. One of our horses is at the barn where I ride. It’s common to hear a lot of fart coming out of the arena. We can usually guess that this horse is being ridden. He’s just like your horse. He’s happy and healthy.
Horses passing gas while riding but not when they are at rest is most likely due to the fact that exercise changes the rate of intestinal motility. Normal gut movement is steady and gas passes quickly, so it goes unnoticed. Exercise increases the speed of movement, so gas in the digestive system moves faster, so that more gas can be passed quickly than it does over time.
Normal gas is found in the digestive system. We all do it, even though we may not like to admit. Certain foods, like broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts and broccoli, are more likely to cause gas than others. Beans. It is possible that horse gas could also be related to diet.

It is possible that the horse’s hindgut has been fermented by the microbes. This results in gas released during work. Although this is an acceptable and normal process, sometimes a horse’s diet can cause more rapid fermentation and produce greater amounts of gas. You might see more gas if your horse eats a lot of compounds that promote the growth of gas-producing bacteria.
Large meals rich in sugar or starch can lead to gas production because it might be too much for the small intestinal tract to absorb. Excessive food escapes to the hindgut, where it is easily fermented and becomes gas. This can also be caused by eating large amounts of spring grass. Sudden Hay Changes could also lead to gas production, while microbes adapt the chemical composition of new hay.
It is worth assessing the horse’s diet if they are passing a lot of gas. It might be worth keeping the diet simple and avoiding drastic changes. It might be worth feeding a good prebiotic like Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast to help stabilize the hindgut microbiome.
Gas buildup can cause discomfort and colic. It is better to pass gas than not. Gas buildup can indicate trouble and be a sign that something is wrong. However, if your horse passes gas under saddle regularly and is otherwise happy and healthy, there is nothing to worry about.