Last Updated on March 4, 2022 by Allison Price
These colors sound like different horse breeds, but they are just coat colors that can be found in many horse breeds. These colors are more common in certain breeds than others. They most commonly occur in the Pinto, Paint horses, and certain Cob types like the Irish Vanner. Tobiano vs Overo and Tovero are different because of the color of the coat. This can be very variable.
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Colored Horses
The English colonists introduced the Thoroughbred to their mix. This added height and elegance to the horses. Later, Quarter Horse was also introduced to the breeding program. Some horses produced were colored while others were coated with solid colors. The popularity of these colored horses fluctuated over time – some loved them and some hated them.
In 1940, the American Quarter Horse Association was founded. It excluded horses that had too much white from the registry, including all Tobianos, Overos, and Tovero. The American Paint Quarter Horse Association and American Stock Horse Association were created in response to the increasing popularity of colored horses. Horses are now bred for specific coat colors.

These genes are dominant and a horse can have either a Tobiano, Overo, or Tovero coloring. Tobiano, Overo, and Tovero all have a distinct color. They may appear to be white horses with splashes or white base colors, but closer inspection will reveal distinct differences in their coats.
Tobiano Horses
Tobiano horses have white patches on their coats due to light skin pigmentation. The legs are usually white from the hock to the dock and the back between the dock and the withers. Facial markings are typically not more than a star, a snip, or blaze. They are more oval- or rounded-shaped than being jagged. Tobiano coloring results from a dominant gene. Therefore, any Tobiano-colored horse must have at minimum one Tobiano parent.
Overo Horses
Overo , a Spanish term meaning “like an eggs”, is the name of . It contains three subsections that are all caused by genetic differences.
Frame Overo, which is a solid color base with irregularly shaped white patches, is the most popular pattern. The jagged markings rarely cross the back or run down the legs. The tail is often dark, while the face is often white. Blue eyes are also not uncommon.
This coloring can sometimes be affected by an autosomal gene disorder called Lethal White Syndrome. It causes all-white foals with blue eyes and a non-functioning colon. They die within days. However, not all Frame Overos are carriers of this terrible gene. Parents can test their children before they breed to ensure that they aren’t.
Sabino colors include white stockings at all feet and white patches along the lower barrel that extend to the flanks. The head is usually white with marks that extend beyond the eyes and roaning around the edges. The belly is the most common area where “lacy” markings may be found.
This classification has caused some confusion as it was used to apply to “anything other than Tobiano”, but this did not take into account subtle differences in color. We will be able to narrow down the classifications as we learn more about the genetics behind these colors and find more differences among these horses.
Splashed White is one of the most common patterns. The legs and bottom of the horse are painted white. While the rest of their body is the base color, it is described as looking like a horse that has been dipped into white paint. This pattern is known for having blue eyes. Recent research has shown that Splashed white may be caused by a dominant genetic trait. This type of coloring is more common in deaf horses than any other.
Tovero Horses
The Tovero combines the best of Overo and Tobiano. Toveros can have Tobiano-type rounded markings but irregular facial markings. One or both eyes could be blue.
Many Tovero horses are known to have a “medicine cap” which is dark pigmentation on the forehead and ears. There may also be dark spots around the chest, flank spots and mouth. Although some Tovero horses may appear to have a solid color coat, this is due to the fact that the gene for Overo, Tobiano and other genes is not as strong.
Tobiano Vs Overo Vs Tovero
There are many breeds that can produce Tobiano, Overo or Tovero horses. These horses can be used in a variety of roles, including as show horses or hacks around country lanes. They can be used for almost any purpose, as it is their coat color that makes them unique.
Tobiano vs Overo, vs Tovero. These eye-catching colors are due to genetic differences and much remains unknown. There are many possible patterns, including some that may be dominant or incompletely dominant. Research continues into the reasons these horses appear this way. Although we may never know everything, it is clear that these horses are stunning to behold.