Last Updated on March 4, 2022 by Allison Price
You may be a horse enthusiast and horse lover. Have you ever wondered if it was possible to ride a wild horse? The Western United States’ Mustangs are free-ranging horses that roam freely in the wild. They are well-known for their unruly spirit and ability to live alone in nature without any human contact. Can a horse like that be tamed.
Taming Wild Horses
Wild horses can be controlled with patience and careful training. To make a wild horse ready for a beginner’s rise, it will take months to several years. A wild horse that has been in close contact with humans will require more time to be tamed.
Horses must be tamed in close quarters with wild animals.
Is it difficult to train a wild horse?
To be able to manage wild horses, it takes practice and a lot of experience. This is not something an inexperienced horseman can or should attempt. This requires a basic understanding of equine behavior as well as a level of confidence around horses. What is the process?
“The first few hours are spent building trust and respect between horse and person.”
Because horses are herd animals, it is crucial to have confidence in wild horses. There are dominant horses in herds that influence the behavior and movement of their herd.

The handler must establish their own senses of dominance and leadership during the taming process so that the horse will submit to them and follow orders.
Body language is an important aspect of controlling wild horses. The time it takes to establish a rapport with wild horses can be affected by how well a handler understands and uses body language.
How do you tame wild horses?
Non-forceful training techniques can make horses easier to manage and more respectful of their riders. Here are some steps you can take.
- Particularly if the handler is taming a horse for the first time, they should take a moment to place themselves in the horse’s place . Untrained wild horses may become aggressive or scared if they are suddenly placed in a restricted area.
Horses are powerful and strong, so it is important to remember this. There will always be danger. Before you start, contact any handler who may have more knowledge. - To get started, place the wild horse with a group of tamed horses. The wild horse will be reassured by the gentlemen who walk to them in the field, giving them treats or carrots. It is important to give gentle, warm pats to the tame horses. The wild horse will eventually relax and begin to approach its handler.
- Earn the trust of your horse. It is best to start with regular contact on foot with your horse. It is important that the horse has the chance to become used to the handler’s touch. To encourage horses, the handler should use their voice as well as positive reinforcement using carrots and treats.
- Give your horse a good grooming. It is a relaxing activity that can help horses get used to being touched. To not upset the horse, the strokes should be gentle and slow.
- Introduce the horse to lunging. After a horse has become comfortable with being handled, groomed and wearing a harness, it is time to introduce lunging. The horse can be taught to walk, trot and canter.
How can you calm a wild horse.
Horses can get anxious and nervous in unfamiliar situations, just like humans. A combination of actions can help calm a wild horse. These actions include:
- Use your voice in a calm, soothing tone.
- Slow down and avoid sudden movements.
- Allow the horse to inspect their surroundings if they are feeling uneasy.
- Do not make the negative reactions of horses a big deal. Keep calm and get past any negative reactions.
- Keep breathing. Horses will remain calm if they take a slow, relaxed breath.
How do you get a wild horse to visit you
Horses are prey animals in the wild and therefore are always on alert. It can be hard to catch horses, especially wild, because they are prey animals. It is not advisable to get too close to or to catch a wild horse. Horses that are free to roam should only be approached if they have been in contact with humans.
Slowly approach horses to encourage them to come closer. As a way to reassure them, you can use your voice. Keep your voice low and your tone soft.
Pay attention to horse behavior and reactions. Stop walking if they are afraid of you approaching. This is a good sign that they are trying to get your attention.
You can use carrots or other treats to get the horse interested. Keep your eyes on the horse and if they continue to show interest, you can walk a few steps forward before stopping. Continue to watch their behavior. Do not approach them if they are shy.
For a few days, continue this relationship with your horse. Your presence will make the horse more comfortable in your presence. If the horse doesn’t come to you within the first few times, you can leave treats on the ground. The horse will then investigate your absence.
Over time, the horse will associate your presence (receiving treats), and start to walk towards you when you enter their space.
How do you train a wild horse
Respondent training is one of the most popular methods to train wild horses, particularly mustangs. This training method is the best for setting the tone and calming horses.
When training wild horses, one of the most important goals is to make sure that they associate positive experiences with people.
Respondent training begins with association. This is the first step in training wild horses. The second phase consists of a mixture of positive enforcement practices and discouragements that encourage certain behaviors from the horse.
“If a horse has been in adverse conditions or has a negative opinion of people, it may take too much time to adjust.”
A wild horse can now be touched all over the body and have a halter placed on their faces. They also get close contact with humans from this point. The horse can be taught to ride a horse in a saddle and bridle only after they are comfortable.
The last step is to get the horse used for carrying weight. To avoid injury to the horse and the handler, this is a slow process.
A wild horse can take 12 months to train and be ready to ride.
Can you tame wild horses?
Wild horses are prohibited in most countries. The United States has legislation to protect wild horses, and stop unregulated capture and taming.
However, wild horses are not illegal to own. You are not permitted to keep wild horses, but you can apply for adoption.
The cost to adopt a wild horse from Bureau of Land Management is $125
The Bureau requires that these wild horses be trained and tamed for 12 months before they can be moved to their new homes or designated stables.
This adoption program was established in 1976. It has seen more than 200 000 horses adopt.