Last Updated on February 21, 2022 by Allison Price
There are many decisions involved in breeding a mare. Some require a lot of thought (“What stallion should i choose?”), while others can be done quickly (“Who will foal the mare?”). !”). Me It is not difficult to provide adequate nutrition for your mare during her transition from one trimester into the next. These six guidelines will help you to keep your mare on the right track and ensure a healthy, nutritious foal.
1. You should be familiar with body condition scoring. A pregnant mare is a good place to start. The mare will gain weight as her pregnancy progresses, mainly in her abdomen. The key points regarding fat deposition should not change throughout her pregnancy. A pregnant mare should remain in a moderately to moderately fleshy condition throughout her pregnancy.
A score above 6 does not add weight to the mare’s legs. This could make it difficult for mares with soundness issues or arthritic changes due to past performances. This exception is: mares that lose weight rapidly at the beginning of lactation might be kept at a higher body condition score to deal with the energy loss from milk production.
2. Give vitamins and minerals. To maintain a moderate body condition, she does need to eat a sufficient amount of high-quality food. Good-quality pasture or hay should be the primary feedstuff. It should also contain essential vitamins and mineral sources. You can get these nutrients from a specially formulated textured or pelleted feed for pregnant mares or from a balanced pellet which is a concentrated source protein, vitamins and minerals. The feeding instructions will tell you how much feed your mare should consume. So, both her vitamin and mineral requirements as well as those of her developing foetus will be met.
3. Avoid overfeeding mares. This is a common mistake made by well-meaning owners. The fetal growth rate is not even during pregnancy. In fact, the last three months of gestation are when most of the fetal growth takes place. The mare’s energy requirements do not rise much during pregnancy. Mid-pregnancy and early pregnancy are crucial times for proper management. Obesity can make it more difficult for mares to deliver.

4. Consider energy requirements in late pregnancy. Mares’ energy needs increase with the birth of the foetus. The mare can be given high-quality forage free of charge. This will increase the calories in her diet. The mare should be fed a balanced pellet or a feed made for pregnant mares at the recommended dose.
Regular, at least weekly, body condition scoring can help you gauge the diet. The abdomen will drop as the foetus’ weight and other fluids increase. Gravity can sometimes cause the flesh to pull against the ribs of the mare allowing for a hint to show. This is common in older mares that have had many foals. It is important to inspect all areas of the body for fat deposition.
Mares can get extra calories by providing vegetable oil or stabilized rice bran, ideally soybean or canola oils.
5. Salt, water and fescue are all good choices for pregnant mares. fescue is a type of pasture or hay to avoid. This is because it is frequently infected by an endophyte, which can cause problems for pregnant mares such as prolonged gestation, difficulty delivery and a lack of milk. Bedding should be free from fescue.
6. A professional equine nutritionist is recommended. Although the basics of feeding a pregnant mare can be done easily, there are times when you need to consult a professional. If in doubt, consult a nutritionis