Last Updated on February 21, 2022 by Allison Price
Spaying is a surgical procedure that removes the female reproductive organs from small animals such as dogs and cats. It prevents the animals from getting into estrus and is a reliable method to avoid pregnancy. Spaying cats and dogs is usually safe and inexpensive. It also allows for quick healing and few complications.
Spaying horses isn’t common. It involves removing the ovaries and not the uterus. Most mare owners accept that their mares might have personality and behavioral changes during heat periods. Some mares aren’t affected by heat but others can become moody and sensitive. Heat mares may kick, squeal, flinch, or kick when touched over the flank and loin. They also might buck or bolt when riding, or exhibit other behaviors that could make it difficult for the horse to be used for several months. A vocalizing mare in heat is not only difficult to ride but can also distract other stallions (and sometimes even horses) from their sight or hearing.
These behaviors can often disappear after strong estrous cycles in spring and early summer. Then, mares return to their normal behavior. Sometimes, ovarian tumors and abscesses can cause behavior that is similar to estrus. However, this may happen at a different time of the year. Owners should consult a veterinarian if the mare is experiencing this behavior. If so, spaying may be an option.

Spaying to correct undesirable behavior is something owners should consider. Spaying mares is permanent and they will not be able ovulate. The owner must be aware of this fact and be open to the possibility of having them spayed again. Spaying can be expensive and requires a lot of aftercare. It also involves a time away from work for recovery. Third, complications such as hemorhage, infection , colic or damage to the internal organs may occur. If spaying is done to decrease behavior problems, it is possible that mares’ behavior is due to her personality or training fault. In these cases, spaying will have minimal or no effect on how they behave under saddle or in hand.
After the owner has made the decision to have the pet spayed, they should talk with the veterinarian about the options. You can choose to have your pet spayed under general or local anesthesia. Incisions can also be made via a ventral, flank, or vaginal incision. There are many options available for the removal of enlarged or diseased eggs. Each method comes with its own costs and risks. Before scheduling surgery for mares, owners should be familiar with the risks and ask all questions.