Last Updated on February 23, 2022 by Allison Price
Do I feed my horse twice daily or once per day? This question is often asked of me and it’s difficult to answer. Although there are some basic principles for horse feeding, you need to be flexible as different horses have different dietary needs.
Horses need to be fed grain at least once per day. However, horses require a steady supply of forage all day to keep them healthy. It is best to feed your horse hay twice daily if it is in a stall.
You don’t have to feed your horse every day. It doesn’t matter how often you do it, you need to be able estimate the time they will eat and plan the next meal accordingly. Remember that horses will eat until they feel full. Let’s find out more.
Is it OK to feed a horse only once per day?
It depends on whether you are talking about hay or grain when deciding whether to feed horses once or twice daily. We bring our horses from the pasture, feed them grain, and then turn them out.
Horses can be fed grain either once or twice daily. It all depends on their individual needs. A grain supplement may be necessary for horses who have difficulty getting enough vitamins or protein from their forage.
Horses who work hard can burn lots of calories and get the added calories from grain. Horses shouldn’t be fed too much grain at once as they won’t be able to digest it properly.
Most horses can graze on high-quality grass pastures, hay and don’t require grain. It’s better to feed your horse twice daily if your horse depends on you for food.

Many people don’t want to feed their horses more than once per day. I am one of them. If done properly, it is okay to feed a horse only once per day.
You should feed your horse at least once per day. They must finish the food within 12 to 14 hours. A slow feeder such as a hay net, hay bag or hay net is the best way to achieve this. These devices make it easier for horses to eat slowly and follow their natural grazing patterns.
You can provide horses with continuous food sources, such as a bale. One horse would need 60 pounds to survive for five days.
It might not be possible to feed your horse once per day, especially if you horse is very active and consumes its food quickly.
For horses who graze frequently but require extra energy, I recommend giving them a few alfalfa flakes once per day. It provides extra calories and protein.
Each horse will react differently to different feeding times. You can make subtle changes to the horse’s feeding schedule and monitor its emotional and physical health.
How long can a horse stay between feeds?
Horse owners need to understand the reasons for feeding their horses on a specific schedule. A horse’s digestive system works in a different way than humans. Horses need to eat slowly, but they must eat it consistently. This begs the question: How long can they go without eating?
Horses can live for six to eight hours without needing to be fed. Horses that are starving can be tempted to eat small, dead animals or unhealthy food.
Wild horses will usually roam until they find grass that is good looking and then graze slowly. Then they wander off, take a brief nap, and then repeat the process. This is how domestic horses behave in pastures.
Horses must graze due to their small stomachs. They need to eat small amounts over a long period of time to satisfy their nutritional needs. Horses’ stomachs are not as flexible as humans. Overeating can cause colic and other health issues such laminitis.
Your horse should always have plenty of clean water. In a matter hours , dehydration symptoms such as lethargy and muscle weakness, depression, or colic may all appear. Horses can survive for weeks on their own, but they will die if they aren’t given water for three to five days.
Is it possible to overfeed horses?
A neighbor over-fed his horse recently and the animal became colic. This made me wonder about horses’ tendency to overeat.
There are many ways to overfeed horses. You can overfeed a horse in many different ways. For example, you might abruptly switch from a schedule feeding plan to free-feeding it cut grass. This could give the horse too much grain or not enough exercise to digest the food.
Horses are able to eat in any weather conditions, so it makes sense that they know when to stop eating. While grazing horses burn calories while searching for grass, they then slowly pull the grass from the ground before taking another bite. This way of eating prevents them from overeating.
A horse that is wild grazing might be able to travel 20 miles per day and eat a lot of food. A horse kept in a paddock and eating the same amount hay won’t burn as many calories and can’t digest its food as well.
Horses that are used to eating at specific times of the day will lose the ability to regulate their eating habits. They are likely to be hungry when it is feeding time and will assume that they will have their next meal in a few hours. They will eat whatever you give them, and then overeat.
You should slowly shift your horse’s eating habits from a schedule to free-range. Learn more about my essential horse feeding guide .
Horses that are fed regular hay will stop eating once they’re full. Consider if you add a protein-rich forage such as alfalfa, or beet pulp to their diet. They will need to exercise in order to aid digestion and avoid overfeeding on a particular nutrient.
Horses also like sugary foods, such as grains and cut grass. This is not a healthy diet for horses. Because of the sweetness of the food, many horses will eat until they are full.
How often should I feed my horse?
My niece wanted to know if there was a time when her horse should be fed each day. This made me wonder if horses need to follow a strict diet like humans.
You should feed your horse two times a day. After 12 hours, it will be ready for the next meal. You should not feed your horse smaller meals more often than once a day. Each meal should be taken around dawn each day.
Free forage is the best way to eat horses. This is not possible for everyone, as some horses may need to be fed on a restricted diet. Consistency is key if you prefer a routine-based feed practice.
Your horse should be fed a set amount of feed and hay at regular intervals. Your horse will learn to anticipate food and will be able to digest it more efficiently.
We are trying to gain weight for a young horse . We feed it small amounts of grain and top-coated in a weight building supplement three times per day: morning, noon, and night. We are also incorporating regular exercise into our feeding plan.
There are certain times when your horse should not be fed. For example, if the horse’s diet is primarily grain-based, it is best to stop feeding them.
5 Horse Feeding Tips
- Feed grain only if absolutely necessary, and keep the amount of grain you do have in your diet.
- Horses need to be fed plenty of grass and hay.
- Do not make drastic changes to the horses’ diet. Introduce new foods slowly.
- You should keep an eye on the weight of your horses. The amount of calories, nutrients, protein, fat, and other factors that affect their performance as they age, work, and get older, is something you need to be aware.
- Always ensure that you have free access to clean water.