Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Allison Price
Horse apples are not allowed to be eaten by humans. Horse apples, also known as Osage oranges or Osage grapes, can be fatal to humans. Hedge apples are not poisonous because of their unpleasant taste or appearance, but because they contain latex, a fruit ingredient that can cause skin irritation. Anything that can injure the outside of the human body can also cause damage to the inside.
You can eat the seeds, but you must soak them for at least 24 hours in order to soften. It is very difficult to remove the seeds from the pulp if they are not soaked. The skin is irritated by the liquid in the stem and fruit. However, they make a fascinating addition to any home’s décor.
Contents [ hide]
- Are horse apples toxic to humans?
- How do horse apples taste?
- Can horses eat horse apples?
- What can you do with a horse-apple?
- Conclusion
Are horse apples toxic to humans?
Folklore and mystery surround the fruit horse apples. Hedge apples are a topic that is often discussed more than is actually necessary. However, it is generally accepted that they are safe for humans and cattle.
It is possible that horses can also eat horse apples. Horse apples are traditionally used to repel fleas and cockroaches. Horses can eat the fruit and have experienced fatalities due to the lodgement of the fruit in their throats. People can become sensitive to the milky sap in the fruits, stems, and leaves. This can lead to dermatitis.
What does it taste like to eat horse apples?
Horse apple can also be called hedge apple, bowwood, and bodark. Its charmingly bumpy and wrinkled appearance is what I love. It looks like a green brain. Osage oranges can be considered inedible due to their texture and taste, but they are fun to grow.
Are horses allowed to eat horse apples?
Studies have shown that hedge apples are safe for horses to consume. Horses are apt to avoid hedge apples when browsing due to its hard texture and inability to eat.
The horse apple or Osage orange, or the deciduous tree that gave rise to it, is a small shrub or tiny deciduous tree. It can grow to 30-50 feet in height. The shape of the hedge apple is spherical and lumpy. It measures 8-15 cm in diameter. It has brilliant yellow-green leaves. It secretes sticky white latex when it is cut or damaged.

It is a Moraceae. This Moraceae is a member the Plantae kingdom’s Mulberry family. These beautiful and attractive fruits may appeal to you and make you wonder if it is possible to eat them. However, due their sticky latex secretions, and their woody pulp, hedge apples are not suitable for human consumption.
These fruits may be eaten by squirrels and chipmunks. Cattle are more likely to die if they eat them. Their large size and thick skin can cause it. This will make the animal choke and endanger its life.
What can you do with a horse-apple?
Hedge apples may be something you have found and decided to eat. What are some of the uses for hedge apples? Hedge apples are not very attractive, but they have many different uses. Hedge apple leaves and trees can be very beneficial.
Firewood from a reliable source
The hedge tree is different from other trees due to its strong roots and bright orange bark. According to bulldozer operators, it is harder to cut down a hedge than an oak. The timber is difficult to cut with chainsaws. The wood burns hotter once it has dried.
Useful for Chipmunks and Squirrels
Hedge apples are not attractive to animals and people because of their weight and rough surfaces that turn yellow-green in the autumn. The sticky latex fluid from the fruit causes skin irritation when it is cut. Osage orange is also a name given to the tree by its orange flavor.
Squirrels or chipmunks don’t mind their appearance, and will tear them apart to find the seeds. Cattle are more likely to choke on them.
It is useful for repelling insects.
Many insects don’t like the shiny leaves, branches and bark of trees. Hedge fruit is no exception. Hedge apples contain chemicals that repel spiders and other bugs.
Hedge apples are used to repel spiders in areas where they are grown. The fruit extract has been reported to repel both insects and chemically-made repellents in many cases.
Used in the production of dye
Osage-orange wood is a bright orange color when cut. A brilliant yellow dye can be easily removed due to this property.
Makes Wood Products
The wood of the hedge trees turns brown when it is exposed to natural elements. It can be used to create strong, long-lasting furniture, archery Bows, and fence posts. It is ideal for fence posts because of its resistance to rot.
Because of its strength, flexibility, durability, and robustness, it is ideal for archery bow manufacturing.
Traditional Medicine:
The Comanche tribe used to soak the Osage tree roots in water and then use the infusion for eye treatment.
Humans should not eat hedge apples. Hedge apples can be fatal to cattle, so make sure you keep them away from your garden.
It is simple to create a hedge-apple hedge. A stream will contain a mixture of hedge-apple pulp, seeds, and water. The mulch is then covered with dirt. The trees eventually form a fence. The origins of hedge apples are in the Southwest of Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. Midwest farmers used the trees to create a hedge or barrier.
There are many uses for osage trees. They make great firewood and can also be used to create wood items such as fence posts and bows. The fruit is rich in compounds that repel spiders and insects, and provide food for chipmunks and squirrels.