Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Allison Price
Horses are not all created for heavy work. Some horses can be trained to race short distances. There are also endurance horse breeds, which prefer long-distance competition in open areas with high levels of individuality.
Endurance horses must be strong and able to sustain themselves in order to succeed. These horse breeds are most commonly used in endurance events all over the globe.

1. Akhal Teke
Turkmenistan is home to this horse breed. They are a national treasure. Horses are known for their speed and endurance.
The coats of these dogs have a distinctive color that appears almost metallic from a distance.
Akhal Teke horses can be bred in desert environments. There are approximately 7,000 horses worldwide of this endurance breed. The Akhal Teke horse’s history is rooted in the Turkmenistan tribal peoples who have made Turkmenistan their home over thousands of years.
Tribes would selectively breed their horses, keeping an oral studbook and selecting only the best for breeding, raiding and general defense. This breed has influenced many of the Russian horse breeds today.
2. Anglo Arabian
This horse breed is a cross between an Arabian and a thoroughbred. It has enjoyed increasing popularity to the point that it is now an independent breed. Anglo Arabian horses must be at least 12.5% Arabian to qualify for breed recognition.
France is home to many of the best endurance horses today. There are differences in appearance and size due to cross-breeding. Anglo Arabians are usually between 15.2 and 16.3 hands. This is slightly higher than purebred Arabians. Their coat color is gray, bay or chestnut.
They are strong and intelligent, which allows them to be competitive and versatile. This breed is unique because it combines both the best of both horse breeds.Arabian horse
3. Arabian
Arabian horses are distinguished by their distinctive head shape and hightail carriage. Their lineage can be traced back more than 4,000 centuries.
Arabian bloodlines are found in almost every horse breed today, thanks to horses’ spread through war, trade, and exploration.
The endurance and stamina of Arabians, which were developed in desert environments are unmatched in the modern world.
These dogs are sensitive and willing to ride, so a skilled rider can increase their competitiveness.
Although they are known for their endurance sport, Arabian horses are well-known for their ability to ride recreationally and participate in other events. They are one of the most popular horse breeds in the world.
The breed is small, with many weighing in at less than 1000 lbs. The average height is 15.1 inches or less.
While dominant white Sabino or rabicano patterns can be found, most Arabians are chestnut, bay, or grey.
4. Boerperd
South Africa is home to this endurance horse breed. It is a hybrid of the Boer horse, which was found in the Cape of Africa region. However, it is not the same horse as the Boer horse.
Many Boerperd horses from the region were killed in the Boer Wars, which took place between 1880 and 1902.
Since 1996, the Boerperd has been recognised as an individual breed. Breeder associations have been active since 1948. Boerperds are calmer and more laid-back than other endurance breeds. They have a temperament that is almost like a cold-blooded horse.
There are five gates available that can be used in unison. To be eligible for breed recognition, a horse must be suitable for all riders.
The horse is trustworthy and affectionate. This means that the endurance features can be harnessed for driving, herding, and miscellaneous farm work in the rugged terrain of South Africa.
5. Criollo
The endurance horse is native to Uruguay and Brazil. This endurance horse is second only to the Arabian.
The horse’s low basal metabolism is what makes it an exceptional endurance breed. The horse can participate in events lasting more than one week without needing to eat supplemental feeds.
The colonial era of 16th century is the time when the breed was founded. In 1535, 100 purebred Andalusian Stallions were shipped from Spain into South America. Due to conflicts between native people and Spaniards, many horses were either abandoned or freed.
More than 10.000 wild horses were reported to have roamed the area at one time. In the 19 th century, many of these wild horses were crossed to thoroughbreds. This helped to create today’s Criollo breed.
The 1930s saw the creation of a smaller, stronger and more compact stock horse. This has contributed to the overall breed’s natural endurance.
6. Marwari
Marwari horses are a rare breed, and they originate in India’s jawed regions. Because it has inward-turning ears, its appearance is very unique.
It’s quite tough with an ambling gait.
It is believed that it originated from Arabian foundation horses crossed with native ponies. The Marwari, a formal breed, is one of today’s oldest recognized breeds.
Due to the efforts made by the rulers of this region, strict breeding standards have been in place since 12 the century.
The breed was primarily used as a warhorse. However, it began to decline in 1930s due to poor management and a lack of use.
A breed society was established in 1995 to aid the breed’s recovery. Although exports have been limited for a long time, from 2000 to 2006, some exports were allowed to support the breed. Since 2008, some travel passports are available for this breed.
You can get it in any standard coat color as well as Pinto.
7. Missouri Fox Trotter
The endurance horse was created in the United States, in the Ozark Mountains in Missouri. It was prized for its stock-horse qualities, and especially its unique gait.
Despite the fact that there are approximately 100.000 horses of this breed in the world, almost all are found in the United States. Only 600 Fox trotters live in Europe at the moment.
As with many endurance horses of today, the Arabian influence that was present in the breed’s initial foundation helped to give it the higher stamina levels required for this breed.
The studbook was closed in 1982.
They are an endurance horse that is healthy, but most Missouri Fox Trotters are used for their ability to trail ride. They are able to ride with a smooth gait and can carry a greater weight than average for their size.
8. Rocky Mountain horse
This breed was developed in Kentucky and originated in the Appalachian Mountains, not the Rockies. This breed is relatively new, with a foundation horse that moved from the west to Kentucky in 1890 to establish the breed.
Another foundation stallion, Old Tobe, was used in 1950 to create the Rocky Mountain Horse. Since then, approximately 12.000 horses were registered.
Rocky Mountain Horse Registry accepts any solid color, but prefers chocolate horses with a flaxen hair. This is due to the presence of the silver-dapple gene in this breed.
Its unique coat color makes it an ideal horse for endurance riding and many other purposes. The horse is friendly, willing, and has many skates to ensure a smooth ride.
This breed is primarily used to work cattle and trail ride, but it also has a strong focus on endurance events due to its stamina.
9. Spanish Mustang
The Spanish Mustang breed was bred from Spanish horses that were brought to America in the colonial period.
These horses can be found roaming free in the west United States. To reduce their destructive tendencies, the US government will buy herds of horses and sell them to anyone who can prove that they can work with them.
This horse has survived 400 years in the wild and is now able to compete with all other horses on the list.
It is not always an official recognized breed, but its performance abilities are undeniable.
10. Kentucky natural gated horse
This horse’s unique four-beat, easy-going gait keeps them alert and energized for long periods of time. The Kentucky natural gated horse, medium in size, has a big heart and a calm, pleasant personality. It is ideally suited for endurance events.
This horse is intelligent and can navigate all terrains.
How to choose the right horse for endurance racing
Human civilizations can thrive and grow by using endurance horse breeds. These horses can enjoy their favorite activities through endurance events.
Endurance race is a long-distance endurance competition that can cover distances between 25 and 100 miles. There are several checkpoints along the route where horses can be inspected by vets. Only after the vet has determined that the horse is fit enough to continue the race, can he resume it.
First, the breed does not play an important role in endurance racing at lower levels. Many breeds can do well in beginner-friendly environments.
When choosing a horse to race in endurance racing, the most important thing is his soundness and comfort.
It is important that the horse be large enough and strong enough to support the rider. This is particularly important for long races, where the horse must be able to carry you for several days.