Last Updated on March 18, 2022 by Allison Price
Science has made it possible to find a variety of medications that can be used to treat horses’ medical problems. Most equine conditions and diseases can be treated by your vet using the most recent drugs. It is possible to improve your horse’s health by using herbs and plants. Here are some tips on herbs and plants for horses. Sometimes, nature is the best teacher!

Arnica can be used to treat muscle pain, bruises, and wounds. Arnica is only intended for external use. It acts as an anti-inflammatory stimulant and stimulant. Arnica mixed with water and witch hazel makes a great wash down lotion for tired muscles.
Horses can reap the potential benefits of both the roots and leaves from the Dandelion. The liver function is stimulated by the root, while the diuretic properties of the leaves are excellent. The blood is cleansed by Dandelion, making it a great choice for horses with laminitis or skin conditions like rheumatism. This plant is high in vitamin A, B and C, and can stimulate appetite while improving digestion.
Garlic is also a great choice for preventing sweet itch and laminitis. Garlic is an insect repellent, so it can help to ward off flies. It also has antihistamine properties. Garlic can be used to clean out the lungs of infection and mucous. You can clean bites, stings, and cuts with the juice of garlic bulbs.
Kelp is an anti-rheumatic, antibiotic and can be used to make compresses to relieve pain and inflammation. Kelp is rich with minerals, especially calcium, iodine, and potassium, making it a valuable supplement for horses who have had poor quality grazing.
Lavender oil is only for external use and can be used as a relaxant. When you’re handling nervous horses, rub some oil on your hands. It can also be used as an antidepressant to stimulate circulation. Use the oil in a concentrated form on horses’ skin.
Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettles are high in vitamins C, iron, calcium and potassium. They are not suitable for horses so make sure to cut the nettles as they grow. After they have wilted, let them cool down and then chop them into pieces so that you can feed your horse. Stingingnettles can be used to treat sweet itch, laminitis and arthritis.
Tea Tree
This essential oil can only be used externally and acts as an antiseptic and mild disinfectant. Tea tree oil can speed healing, reduce swelling, improve immune system function, and decrease inflammation. Tea tree oil is also a great massage oil for strained or bruised muscles.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, which contains vitamins C, E, and B12, as well as minerals such calcium and potassium is a natural antiinflammatory, analgesic and anti-viral, and antibacterial remedy. Aloe vera can be used to treat broken skin because it doesn’t sting and is good for treating bruises, swellings, and insect bites.
Spearmint and Peppermint
Peppermint and spearmint both help to relax the muscles in the digestive tract. Mint can be easily grown to supply yourself with fresh leaves and your horse will love to eat them. You can also find mint in many horse supplements and herbal treats.
Burdock and Fenugreek
To stimulate digestion, burdock should only be taken in powdered form. Fenugreek can also be a good choice for horses suffering from digestive problems, but it should not be given pregnant mares.