Last Updated on February 23, 2022 by Allison Price
Horses are often referred to as a man’s best friend. Horses have been used since time immemorial as food, transport, entertainment, companionship, and companionship. They are reliable and very useful, which is why they are so popular.
Horses aren’t omnivores. They are herbivores who eat a plant-based diet. Omnivores are animals who eat both plants and animals regularly.
They can survive on only grass, hay and plants. However, many people are still unsure if they are herbivores or carnivores or omnivores.
This is the first article in a series that I wrote about horses’ nutritional needs. The previous article was entitled “What do Horses Eat?” The Equine Nutrition Guide explains the basic information you need to properly feed your horse.
Are horses omnivores, herbivores or carnivores?
No matter where they live, there is one thing that all animals share: the need to eat to survive.
There are complex relationships between species in every ecosystem. Some species depend on other species for food while others eat other animals. Some species eat plants while others eat animals as well as plants.
These relationships are the foundation of the food chain.
Horses are not omnivores
Omnivores are those who can eat a bit of both herbivorous or carnivorous. They can eat both plant and flesh because they have adapted to this lifestyle. Humans are now in the same place as bears, pigs and hedgehogs.
Their jaws have sharp incisors that are large and canines that break down fibers into digestible forms. Their jawline is more extended than that of carnivores.
Omnivores tend to be stealthy hunters but can forge, dig and browse in order to gather plant material. Horses are herbivores, not omnivores.
Horses are herbivores
Herbivores have a different jawline from carnivores, because they were born eating only natural plant material. They have difficulty digesting the fibers they eat.
Horses have prominent incisors which aid them in grazing. Horses are able to easily cut, nip through the gritty, and hold on while they pull back on branches of trees. Different types of incisors are used to help animals eat, including mice, rabbits, and cattle.
Common traits of herbivores include alertness and the ability run fast because it is their main way to survive. Their skulls are designed so that their eyes are on the opposite side of their front. This allows them to turn their heads to the sides and get a 360-degree view.

Captive horses can be exposed to different environments and people. They are bred to be able to pull heavy loads, run races, jump high, and perform. Some dogs are bred to be able to eat their meat.
horses, unlike other animals, rely on plants for their primary food source. In the past, videos have been viral in which horses were seen eating chicks. They are part of the herbivore species. They eat mostly plant material.
Horses are also plant-eaters so they sit at the bottom end of the food chain. This makes them prey to other animals to hunt. They are prey and have sharp vision as well as communication skills.
The role of their teeth plays in explaining their diet habits is crucial. Different jawlines can reveal the dietary habits of animals.
Horses are not carnivores
Predatory or carnivorous animals have their skulls designed so that their eyes are at the front. Their large canines make it easier for them to grasp the flesh and slice it through quickly. They are able to pull the meat from the bones using their sharp-edged incisors.
These traits can be seen in all cats, big and small, including lions, tigers, and your cat. They approach hunting with stealth. They follow their prey, getting as close as they can to them. Then they sprint to attack them. They grab their prey with their large teeth and claws.
They are able to catch prey quietly and stealthily. Prey’s jaws have a unique design that gives them an advantage in hunting.
Horse’s Digestive System
Horses have a very efficient digestive system that converts grass into energy. Horses have a jaw that allows them to chew continuously. Twelve incisors can be used to cut plants and twelve premolars grind plant-based matter such as stems, leaves, and roots.
Canine teeth are also available for horses, but they are not necessary. Horses are not equipped for canines, which are mainly used to chew and tear flesh.
Horses can have both ruminant or non-ruminant digestive systems. Some ruminants, such as sheep and cattle, use bacteria in a chamber that is located before the stomach. The bacteria helps in fermentation of plant fibers and food digestion.
Horses can only hold a very small amount of food and quickly empty their stomachs. Horses cannot survive on omnivore diets because of their digestive system.