Last Updated on March 24, 2022 by Allison Price
Professional horse riding requires the use of horseshoes. Horseshoes protect horses’ feet and prevent them from becoming sore during jumps or gallops at high speeds. The shoe is usually made from metal. The shoe is usually nailed to the horse’s feet (or glued), so it doesn’t hurt.

Here are some tips to help you train your horse safely.
Regular horseshoe – You are probably familiar with the regular shoe. It’s made from metal and has small grooves in its middle. These are called “fullers”. These shoes are often shaped like a partial circle or oval.
Rimshoe: A regular horseshoe is a rim shoe. However, it has a wider groove in the center of the shoe to provide more traction. The shoe’s center crease is filled with dirt which gives it more grip. Shoes can have outer rims with a higher outside rim, or an inner rim with a higher inside rim.
The trailer shoe: This shoe relieves pressure from the horses’ heels and posterior tendon. It supports the horse’s lateral side. The American Farriers Journal believes that a trailer can correct horses’ stride but shouldn’t be used by horses who kick, as the trailer could become dangerous.
Square shoe: The top of the square shoe is flat, at the toe. This helps to shift the breakover point, without affecting coffin bones.
A bar shoe is a horseshoe that has an additional bar attached to its back. It’s a complete circle. This provides more support for the horse’s leg and heel.
Eggbar shoe: An eggs bar shoe is a shoe that has a higher bar between the heels and prevents expansion or concussion. It protects the heel area and the area below the heel, also known as the bulbs and frog.
Heel bar shoe: This shoe puts more pressure on the feet than the heels. This shoe is often used by farriers to support horses suffering from heel pain or quarter cracks.
Using a horseshoe improperly can cause injury to the horse. Use the right size and type of horseshoes. Also, be careful when attaching them to the hoof. You should not only take care of your horseshoes but also trim the horse’s hoof. Horses domesticated do not experience natural wear due to rough terrain. Their hooves can grow too big.
To have your horse’s horseshoes professionally fitted, take your horse to the local farrier. While you’re training your horse, be sure to keep an eye on him for any discomfort or pain. You could have a bad fit, a missing horseshoe or an infection. Reveal Equestrian, San Juan Capistrano makes sure that our horses and riders are well-equipped for dressage or jump events. Please let us know which horseshoes are your favorite!