Last Updated on March 11, 2022 by Allison Price
Horses will sweat when it is hot outside or after they have exercised. Your horse’s natural way to cool down and reduce his temperature is by sweating. Horses sweat differently than humans. They can lose as much as 4 gallons per hour.
Horse sweat is high in electrolytes and water, which can lead to excessive sweating and foaming. It’s vital to understand the signs and symptoms of horse sweat so you can keep your horse cool at home or in the field.
Why do horses sweat?
Horses can’t regulate their body temperature in the same way as humans. Instead, they must sweat. The more your horse sweats, the harder he works. Your horse’s sweat evaporates, and not the presence of it on his skin. What is the secret reason horses sweat?
Your horse’s core temperature rises if he produces more heat than he can exhale through breathing. This causes signals to his sweat glands to increase the amount of heat that is being distributed to the skin. Your horse’s body temperature will drop as the sweat evaporates.
Horse Sweating in Stall and How to Regulate It
Horses can sweat when they are too hot. This happens outside as well as inside the stable. Although it is common for horses to sweat in their stalls, it can also be an indication of a poorly constructed stable. Poor stable ventilation, humidity in the stall, poorly regulated heating and hot weather can all cause horse sweating.

It’s crucial to make some changes if your horse starts sweating when he’s stalled. The best way to stop horse sweating is to make sure your stable is well-ventilated so that there is cool air circulation around your horse. Proper ventilation and cleaning of the stall can help keep humidity to a minimum. Horse sweating is normal, but there are steps that you can take to control it.
Sweating Caused by Dehydration
Horses can lose important electrolytes when they sweat. This is detrimental to their health and hydration. Dehydration can lead to excessive sweating, which is one of the biggest risks for your horse. Humans lose most of their water through sweating, which causes a loss of electrolytes and a decrease in thirst. Horses have more electrolytes than humans, which means they feel less thirsty when they sweat.
You can ensure that your horse is hydrated even if it’s hot or you are putting him through strenuous exercise. To help your horse stay hydrated, you can add electrolytes to his water.
How Physical Fitness Affects Horse Sweating
Your horse may sweat for a variety of reasons, including your physical condition. Your horse’s physical condition can lead to sweating in different levels. This can help you regulate how much your horse sweats. Horses in poor physical condition may sweat more often and sooner than horses who are fitter.
You can reduce the amount of sweating your horse experiences by increasing their fitness. Regular exercise can help regulate your horse’s temperature.
If Your Horse Cannot Regulate His Body Temperature
Your horse may not be able to regulate his temperature. It could be due to fatigue, humidity, or other factors. Your horse will heatstroke if they are unable to regulate their body temperature.
If your horse starts to sweat profusely, but doesn’t replenish his water supply, it could be at risk for dehydration. He may experience problems with circulation, digestion, or even damage to his internal organs. Dehydration can lead to death in extreme cases of excessive sweating.
Some Horse Can’t Sweat
Some horses cannot sweat. This condition, Anhidrosis, can occur in any horse. However it is more common in horses living in hotter areas. Horses can become very ill from excessive sweating. However, horses that don’t sweat can be even more dangerous.
Horses that don’t sweat can get too hot and their body temperatures can rise to dangerous levels. This can lead to heat stroke. You must take all measures to prevent heat buildup in your horse’s body if he is suffering from Anhidrosis. Here are some ways to do this:
To keep him cool, hose or sponge him with cold running water.
– Keep him hydrated
– Keep him active during cooler hours
– Increase his electrolyte intake
Ensure that he gets shade during the day.
5 Warning Signs of Excessive Sweating
Horses that sweat excessively can indicate dehydration. This can lead to death.
Horses are unable to breathe easily
Horses that exercise in hot weather have a tendency to have rapid, shallow breathing. However, this should normalize itself and return back to normal after a brief rest. Your horse may be excessively sweating and breathing fast if his breathing rate is not normal. You can place him in a cool, shaded area. Give him plenty of water to rehydrate.
Your Horse has a high temperature
Horses are accustomed to a high temperature when exercising. However, if your horse does not have a drop in temperature within 20-30 minutes of being restrained, it is a sign that something is wrong.
Your horse seems exhausted and depressed
Horses that are dehydrated or sweating profusely can become lethargic and turn down food and feel exhausted. These warning signs are important to look out for and hydrate your horse as soon as possible with electrolyte water.
The skin of your horse is weak.
Lack of resilience in horse’s skin can be a sign of dehydration. This is an easy way to check if your horse has low fluids. Simply pinch a small fold of skin along the horse’s back, at three points: high on his shoulder and midneck, as well as low on his shoulder. Your horse’s skin will quickly snap back into place if it is properly hydrated. He will need to rehydrate if it doesn’t.
He has a quiet gut
If you can hear a horse’s stomach gurgling and popping, it is a sign that he is in good health. This is due to the large amount of water your horse draws from his large intestines. If your horse’s stomach is becoming quiet, it could be a sign that he is starting to dehydrate. His gut motility may also slow down. To prevent any digestive problems, hydrate your horse immediately you notice a quieter stomach.
When You Should Call Your Vet
It can be hard to know when to call your vet, especially when horse sweating is involved. How serious the situation is will depend on how your horse behaves and whether there are any warning signs.
Your vet should be contacted if your horse is acting strangely, such as being disoriented, refusing to eat or drinking, or if he is not cooling down. Your vet can examine your horse and give you additional support.