Last Updated on February 28, 2022 by Allison Price
Horses are thought to be gentle, docile creatures that have little defenses. Children dream of owning horses and ask year after year for them to be their Christmas present. Horses are herbivorous prey animals but they are not defenseless.
The most dangerous horse, rather than any breed, is the one that becomes complacent and gives up on their guard. The weight of adult horses is between 900 and 2,000 lbs. Horses can attack and defend themselves with their powerful legs. Horses can also bite.

While any horse can be dangerous and some horses are more prone to attack than others, it is important to understand that not all horses are equally dangerous. Continue reading to find out which horses are most likely to attack and how to understand horses.
What a Horse could do to you if it wanted to
Horses are large, kicking and biting creatures. Horses can also hurt people by being stepped upon or being bucked. These are just a few of the many ways that a horse can harm you.
Horses can kick up to 2000 pounds. Horses can kick with their front or hind legs. The forward legs can be used for forward strikes or stomps. Although not all horse kicks can generate a lot of force, it is still possible. Keep in mind, however, that the force is concentrated to the size of a horse’s hoof.
Combine that force with the fact horses are often shod in metal horseshoes and the result can be devastating or even fatal to those who are riding them.
Stepping on horses was referred to as a separate way that they might cause injury, while stomping was also included in kicks. This is not meant to confuse, the main difference is intent. Although horses may inadvertently step on riders after they fall, they try to avoid it. A horse may stomp on a rider with its front legs, but not intentionally.
Horses are herbivores, and will only eat plants. However, this will not stop horses from biting you. Two things are at risk when a horse bites you: First, horses exert a lot of force through their bite. If you’re not careful, it can crush your bones.Infection is the second danger from horse bites. The following bacteria can cause serious, even fatal, post-bite infections in horses:
- Actinobacillus
- Staphylococcus
- Streptococcus
- Pasteurella
There is also falling and being thrown from behind the horse. It is terrible enough to fall from a height of between 4.6 and 6 feet (the average horse size) but when you add in the velocity of being thrown around by powerful animals, it can be quite painful. There are a few options for the horse if it decides that it doesn’t want to have you on its back.
- Bucking – The horse throws his hind end upwards
- Rearing The horse stands on its hind legs
Both are dangerous but rearing is more dangerous because the horse could fall on you. A horse can weigh an average of 900 to 2000 lbs. You could end up with a ton of weight after a fall.
Wild Horse Breeds
People often refer to wild horses as “feral horses” but it is believed there is only one species of real wild horses (i.e. The Przewalski’s Horse is a wild horse that has not been domesticated or has ancestry from a domesticated horse. Feral and wild horses can be unpredictable so it is very dangerous to try to approach them.
Przewalski’s Horse
The last wild horse, also known as takhi in Mongolian, was close to extinction before conservation efforts paid off. There were approximately 2000 wild horses worldwide, most of which could be found in zoos or reserves. These horses are not extinct, but they are endangered.
Takhi is not to be confused by the domesticated Mongolian horses. They are not used for riding or showing horses. It may be because it is a holy horse in Mongolia, but most importantly it is because they are too wild to allow it.
The genetics of these wild horses are another difference from their domesticated counterparts. A Przewalski’s horse is able to have 66 chromosomes whereas a domesticated horse has only 64.
Mustangs are not just muscle cars. They are wild horses that live in the west United States. These horses are the descendants of Iberian horses, which were introduced to America by Spanish explorers in 16th century. They have been bred with other breeds, such as the Quarter horse or Draft horses, to create the breed that we know today.
In the past, mustangs were captured and sold. The U.S. has laws that prohibit the sale of feral horses.
- Feeding
- Watering
- Harassing
- Touching
National parks require humans to stay at least 100 feet away from feral horses.
People who wander through the territory of Mustangs pose the greatest threat, especially if they are riding horses. There are stories about Mustang stallions who have attempted to steal their mares.It is believed that mustangs can be dangerous to the environment if they are not controlled. Mustangs are not prey to natural predators, and can grow rapidly without human intervention.
Australian Brumbies
In the latter half of 18th century, these feral horses were brought to Australia. The Brumbies, an invasive species, were allowed to roam and run free in most unoccupied areas of Northern Territory, Queensland, and Northwestern Australia.
In the past, brumbies, just like mustangs in America, were also used as mounts. While there are strict laws prohibiting interaction with Mustangs in the U.S. there are none in Australia. The Brumbies can also become overpopulated, just like the Mustangs in the U.S.
Brumbies might be shyer and may try to avoid people. Brumbies could associate humans with danger because of the concentrated culling efforts in Australia. Brumbies, however timid they might be, are wild animals that can still be unpredictable.
In 2019, reports showed an increase in the number of Brumbies who visited Kosciuszko National Park’s campgrounds. These increased incidents are accompanied by an increase in injuries to horses.
- Intelligent
- Spirited
- High strung
- Energetic
- Often bad-tempered
They are not recommended for beginners.
However, an experienced trainer and horse rider will be more able to recognize the dangers and avoid injury.
The Akhal-Teke is another “hot-blooded horse”, and was born in the Turkmenistan deserts. The nomadic people who lived in the deserts bred them for their athleticism. They were closely related to the people as they were both dependent on each other for survival.
Modern Akhal-Tekes tend to be intelligent, loyal, and athletic. The Akhal-Teke is more likely to attack a person because of this loyalty. They are likely to only form a bond with one rider, and will also seek out to protect their rider like a guard dog . They may kick or bite anyone they consider a threat to their rider.
There are many breeds of horses that have been used in war. Warhorses don’t just come from one breed. It is important to mention that horses are not just used for transporting soldiers or equipment, but also as dangerous domestic horses.
Some horses were used to transport messages or assist important figures in their escape plans, but true warhorses were there to fight. They could kill or maim enemy soldiers and/or horses. Although they weren’t always violent, these horses were trained to kill with great success.
Source: Easy Breeze Farm; Kurtz Corral
Warning Signs that a Horse Might Attack
You now know you must be careful around horses. Here are some signs that a horse might give to alert you that they are ready for attack.
Horses communicate with their ears by using their ears. It could be that the horse is listening behind its ears if one or both of their ears are not pointing back. This is a sign that the horse may be scared if both ears are pointed forward and the horse is flaring his nostrils. This is a good sign, because fear can be one of the main reasons horses lash out.
This is likely a way for the horse to let you know it is angry by slicing its ears back. Dogs also do this when they prepare to fight. They recognize their ears are vulnerable and pull them back as a way to protect them.
This is also known as mimed biting. You should not be surprised if the horse bites. If the horse bites at you, or is bare-toothing, that’s an indication it wants to let you know what it wants.
Prey animals such as horses can see a remarkably large view of their bodies. Horses will only focus on the problem. You can make a horse mad or scared if it keeps its attention on you. Be careful.
Body Angling
Horses may wiggle their backs in your direction if they feel the need to let you know that you might be getting a big kick.A horse’s ability to adjust its body to maintain a focused gaze on a target may be confusing to someone who isn’t familiar with horses. This is incorrect. Horses can see pretty much all around their bodies, but they can also turn their heads quite far back. Horses can kick forward, backward and to either side.
Tail Swing
Whipping its tail back and forth is horse’s way to signal its anger. This is how the horse flicks its tail and signals to other horses to stop. A kick could be coming if the horse does this.
Source: Extension; Equestlife
Why Horses are Aggressive
Horses don’t always want to hurt you, though they can bring pain to your eyes. Sometimes they just want to communicate.
Lack of Resources
Water, food, and shelter are essential for horses. Horses will complain if they don’t have enough of the essential resources they need to be comfortable.
Horses are prey animals. Horses have two choices when they feel threatened: flee or fight. They have the physical ability to defend themselves so they are likely to do so.
Poor Training
A horse will search for food on a person’s body if it is given food. They have learned that food is always available on someone’s person and will eat anything they can find.
You might think the horse is trying to be kind when they bite at your face! Allogrooming refers to the act of grooming two horses. They may sometimes bite each other’s necks and withers, but not aggressively. Horses may engage in this behavior with their handler while being groomed. This should be stopped to teach them not to.
Pain and discomfort
Sometimes, a horse’s rage at you is a way for you to know that something is not right. They won’t suffer silently if something isn’t right on their saddle. They will also bite insects and fly on their stomachs and legs.
The least dangerous breeds
All horses can harm you, as we’ve said before. It’s interesting that even the most powerful and powerful horses are not likely to intentionally hurt you.
Shire Horses
Shire Horses are the largest horse breed currently in existence, at an average height of 17.2 hands (5ft 10ins) and a weight of 2000 lbs. That’s one American ton. They’re big. But are they really powerful? Yes. Although sources differ, it is believed that a pair Shire horses pulled at least 45 tons of load in 1924.
There are many “hot-blooded breeds”, but there are also some “cold-blooded”. These breeds are calmer, more relaxed, and more suited to slow and heavy work. This category includes Clydesdales, Percheron and Belgian draft horses.
Miniature Horses
Although miniature horses are not as tall as the giant cold-blooded horses of old, they have a friendly disposition and a genial personality. Because of their small size and friendliness, they are often used to treat patients.
Norwegian Fjord
The “warm-blooded horse breeds” are not yet mentioned. You might be able to guess that “warm-blooded”, horse breeds have a little bit of both “cold blooded”, and “warmblooded”. This category includes the Norwegian Fjord. They are faster and smaller than the “cold blooded” horses, but they are more calm and level-headed than the “hot-blooded”.
Even though they are smaller than other horses, Norwegian Fjords can be used as draft horses. Because of their gentle nature, Norwegian Fjords can be used as therapy animals. Because they are easy to handle, they are often used in riding schools.
The Norwegian Fjords are as pleasant as they can be. However, they love to keep busy. An idle Norwegian Fjord, like the horses who are “hot-blooded”, can have behavior problems.
Horses are powerful creatures and, although they can be prey animals, they are well-equipped to defend themselves. Most wild horses and feral horses don’t like human contact. You should avoid approaching them if you come across them. It’s illegal in the United States. You could also be severely injured or even killed.
The most dangerous horses in the domesticated world are those that have high levels of energy, speed, power, and speed. Excessive energy, which isn’t directed to a desired activity (like racing), can cause misbehavior and acting out just like in the case of children and dogs.
Horses can cause serious bodily injury to anyone. However, understanding the nature and behavior of horses can reduce the chance of an intentional injury.
There are approximately 300-350 different types of horses. It all depends on what you consider to be ‘dangerous. It is dangerous in terms speed, strength, work, cost, and intelligence.
It’s difficult to find an all-rounder horse. Each horse breed is distinguished by its unique traits. The most dangerous horse to me is the one who is difficult to handle.
There are many breeds of horses, which can be broken down into the following four types:
- Light horses
- Heavy horses
- Feral horses
- Ponies
Certain breeds are superior because of their specific qualities.
Carolina Marsh Tucky
This horse breed is rare. The marsh horses are a beneficial horse breed, and they can be found mostly in South Carolina. They are small in stature, but strong and have large feet. They can survive in any weather condition, including frosty days and scorching sun days. They can do all sorts of jobs.
Arabian Horse:
They are amazing. These horses are born with a dark color, but as they age, their colors change. This horse is a loving breed. They are, as the name suggests, native to Arab countries. However, their origins remain a mystery.
They are extremely athletic. They are distinctive and easily identifiable. These animals are very photogenic and people love to paint them. They live longer and eat less.
Morgan Horse
Morgan horses are a relatively new breed. They are strong and have a long, straight neck. They are competitive in terms of their performance and task. They can live between 20 and 30 years.
Friesian Horse
Blacks, also known as Belgian blacks, are native to the Netherlands. This rare breed is known for its unique characteristics. Their beauty will amaze you. They have an elegant gait and are, unlike other dogs, very civilized and gentle.
Gypsy Horse
They love to travel and enjoy long, wandering journeys. They are extremely energetic and can run very fast. They are loyal and respect their masters. Unfortunately, only a handful of these dogs are still available. There are many skin colors available.
What are the characteristics that make a horse dangerous for riding?
Horses have many qualities and are often considered dangerous because they possess the most.
- Life expectancy
Horses with short lives can pose a danger to their “durability” and may become difficult to handle.
- Sharp senses
Horses respond faster if their senses are sharper. This characteristic is a great one for horses on the battlefield. Horses used for such purposes are identified using this particular trait since long. These breeds can be dangerous because they are more alert and more prone to attack.
- Strong bones/limbs
This is a simple fact: the larger and more muscular an animal is, the more intimidating and dangerous it can become. The same general rule applies for horses.
- Alternate eye vision
Horses with better vision are more alert, vigilant, and responsive. Many consider these species difficult to handle and dangerous in their domestic environment.
- Speed
Horses that are fast will be difficult to manage and maintain. You may not be able to control a large animal if it is healthy.
Velka Pardubicka Racing competition
This race is considered to be the most difficult and dangerous horse racing competition. These horses are very strong and tough. They are trained for years by their owners so they can win the race.
Because this is a tough race, many horses are killed and others are severely injured. It’s all for the sake of festivity.
Racing track
It is difficult to race and there are many obstacles that must be overcome. For many years, no horse won. In 1993, only one horse made the final and all the rest died. Later, people believed it was impossible to do so.
Participant horses
Horses that are part of a specific race are not normal. Their training is different from other domestic horses. They are trained differently right from the beginning and are often supervised closely by trainers. They are fed high-quality food that is designed to give them strength and endurance. The cowboys choose the most dangerous and vicious breeds to ensure that horses can survive in all kinds of situations and continue to live until the end.
Do horses enjoy racing?
Horses were born with the ability to run and jump, and they love doing this without being told. Horses are not forced to do this. They will not run away or go into the wild if they don’t want to. They can stand on their feet and not move if they don’t want to.
They enjoy racing with their fellow horses but cannot stand being hurt or injured. They are extremely sensitive to pain. Many of their failures result from limb injuries. Remember that if a horse falls, so does the rider jockey.
In Conclusion
Horse breeds can pose a danger in many ways depending on their location, genetics, and how they are treated. Horse breeds can pose a danger in terms of performance and behavior. Answering the question, “Which horse breed is most dangerous?” will depend solely on your definition of “dangerous.”