Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Allison Price
Grass Livery
This type of livery gives the horse owner a place to keep their horse. Horse owners are responsible for the daily care and feeding of their horse. This type of livery requires that the horse owner attends to his horse daily, even if he is not required to do so.
Stable livery DIY

This type of livery gives the horse owner a stable to keep their horse in and a paddock to let their horse out in the day. All care must be taken by the horse owner, including turning the horse out into the field and taking the horse back from the field. The horse owner will often need to purchase bedding and hay separately from the yard. Some livery yards offer DIY stabled livery for a higher price, with bedding and hay included. This livery requires that the horse owner attends to their horse every morning and evening.
Part livery
This livery is similar in nature to DIY Stabled, but the daily care of the horse is shared between the owner and staff at the livery yard. The care routine may vary from yard-to-yard. While some livery yards offer staff care during the week with the horse owner taking care of weekends, others may provide staff care in the mornings and the horse owner in the evenings. A few livery yards offer horse exercise as part of their livery service. This kind of livery is perfect for horse owners who have a difficult time caring for their horses seven days a week.
Full Livery
Full livery includes a stable for the horse owner and a field to turn the horse out in the day. It also usually includes bedding, hay, and feed. The livery yard staff is responsible for providing all care, including turning the horse out to the field, bringing him in from the field, and taking the horse back. A few livery yards offer full livery services, which may include the exercise of the horse. This kind of livery is perfect for horse owners who don’t have the time or the ability to care for their horses on a daily basis.
Education/breaking the livery
Horses are kept in livery, grass, or stables with livery yard staff who take care of their daily needs. Livery includes training and schooling the horse.
Work life insurance
Sometimes, a working livery is offered by riding schools and livery yards. Horses are kept in livery (grass or DIY stabled) and the owner pays a reduced rate in return for their horse being allowed to ride lessons at the livery yard.