Last Updated on February 28, 2022 by Allison Price
One Time Pepto, a reined cow-horse and cutting horse sire, is a red-roan titan of an stallion. His offspring earnings exceed $18 million and his line of progeny has won numerous National Cow Horse Association and National Reined Cow Horse Association championships.
One Time was a top sire in NCHA and NRCHA over his stud career. He also won the American Quarter Horse Association’s Best Sire Award. His show record shows that his offspring follow in the footsteps of their extraordinary sire. One Time was 5 years old when he was retired to stud. He won the 2005 NCHA Super Stakes Open Championship and the 2006 Augusta 5/6 Year-Old Open Classic Championship.
Jeffrey and Sheri Matthews, from Weatherford, Texas, consider One Time the horse of their dreams. They feel fortunate to have found him when he was just a yearling.
Matthews remembers the first time he met One Time Pepto.
“I was looking for fillies when I went to Fort Worth in the month prior to the 2002 NCHA Futurity Select Yearling Sale.” Matthews said that he went to Tom Ryan’s house. He had a colt that he was selling to Dave and Claire Capps. Tom took him out. “I was amazed at the way the horse was made.”
Matthews returned to the farm the next day to witness One Time in motion. Matthews stood in a circle pen watching the red roan yearlings run.
Matthews stated, “The way his feet moved under him and the way that he pulled the ground to him, he floated exactly like the great Thoroughbreds” Matthews. “Then, I stepped in front. He dropped his head, got as far in front of him as he could behind and turned the other direction. It was as fast as any quarter horse that I had ever seen. “I was absolutely stunned.”

One Time was known for his exceptional conformation and lightning quick movement. He also had the bloodlines that would support his potential for greatness. One Time was bred by Peptoboonsmal out of One Time Soon By Smart Little Lena. He had the bloodlines of some of the most talented cutting horses of history. Matthews bought One Time on the day of the sale for $380,000. This was only the beginning of a long, fruitful relationship.
One Time was ridden by Matt Gaines, Weatherford, Texas. He won several cutting horse competitions. Matthews felt that One Time was surpassing his expectations by the time he turned five years of age.
“I had met Jeff Oswood at Oswood Stallion Station by that time and he suggested that the horse might have a career in siredom. Matthews stated that he recommended we remove him from show. “I thought at first that there was no way. Then I remembered my roots with Thoroughbreds. I remember a saying from my trainers: You can either race a horse or breed one. You don’t do both. So I retired One Time in his five-year-old years and gave him to a few mares. Since then, he has been at Oswood Stallion Station.
Matthews also decided that the stallion’s breeding book would be limited and that a committee would approve all breedings.
Matthews stated that although we lost many mares in decline, there was a plan. His offspring won the Open and Non-Pro divisions at the NCHA Futurity the first year and topped the yearling sales. His offspring won the Amateur Futurity the second year and topped the two years-old sale.
Red roan stallion, the red roan stallion, instills talent, color, conformation and versatility in his offspring. Matthews professional success was not the only thing that made him great, but One Time’s ownership and management has been a huge success.
“I met my wife Sheri through One Time. She was given the task of writing a story about him. She changed my life. I had never married before we met. Matthews stated, “She’s the love and joy of my life. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” “And do you know what else?” Matthews said. It’s amazing to think about all the people who have been brought into our lives by this horse. We couldn’t ask for more.”