Last Updated on March 11, 2022 by Allison Price
Your horse could be quidding if you have seen slimy, half-eaten food balls lying on the ground near their water trough or feeding area. The horse may be quidding due to pain in the mouth.
Quidding can be caused by teeth that are not straight or have sharp edges. It makes it difficult to chew and prevents the mouth from closing properly. This problem can also be caused by abscesses, cavities, or other unidentified injuries. The problem is most common in older horses but it can happen to anyone.
Quidding can be a sign that your horse is having problems with his mouth. As the horse may only be able to eat a small amount of the feed, this can lead to weight loss and poor body condition. If your horse begins to lose weight or has poor body condition, you need to check the condition of his teeth and mouth.
Good news is that regular dental care can improve or cure quidding. A process known as floating the teeth is used to smooth out any uneven or sharp edges. Even for horses that are healthy, dental exams should be performed at least once per year. Horses with dental problems may need to have their check-ups or treatments performed more frequently.
Horses with severe dental problems should have regular dental examinations. They should also be fed a diet that is easy to digest and chew. Make sure the ration is nutrient-dense to make the most out of what they do take in and, if necessary, consider switching the horse with severe dental problems over to