How Did Horses Come to the Americas?

Last Updated on February 28, 2022 by Allison Price

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TRUE or FALSE: The horses of the Spanish explorers were the first to set foot on North American continent.

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ANSWER: False. North America was actually the birthplace of the horse, and horses were present here until about 8,000 to 12,000 BC, when climate change, the arrival of humans, and hunting led to the death of horses.

Horses Come to the Americas

In the 16th century, Spanish explorers brought horses back to their native land. Native Americans were terrified when they first saw the mounted Spaniards. The conquistadors managed to defeat large numbers of Indians using a small number of men.

“Next to God” was the report of Francisco Coronado’s expedition to New Mexico. “We owe our victory and success to the horses,” he said.

The Indians overcame their fear eventually and obtained horses, stealing from the settlers and gathering strays. They also became skilled horsemen.

Allison Price
Allison Price

I’m Allison, born and raised in San Diego California, the earliest memory I have with horses was at my grandfather’s farm. I used to sit at the stable as a kid and hang out with my Papa while he was training the horses. When I was invited to watch a horse riding competition, I got so fascinated with riding!