Last Updated on March 26, 2022 by Allison Price
A foal needs to eat its mother’s milk from the moment it is born. We automatically associate baby’s milk as udders, teats and nipples. Most often, we think of a cow. What about horses foals? Are mares able to provide food for their foals by having udders and teats? Simple answer: Yes.
This article explains that horses have udders. Horses are amazing animals. Horses have been intertwined in human history for centuries, and they have been used for many purposes. Horses have been bred all over the world for their diverse abilities. These bloodlines are passed on to foals, and their success is dependent upon the mother and her milk.
Are horses able to use their udders like cows?
It is easy to imagine a cow. The milk-making appendages of both animals are very similar. There are also many differences. Horses also have udders as well as teats just like cows. There are however some differences. Only cows have one udder with four teats. Horses have two udders with one teat, while cows only have one. A cow’s udder has four mammary glands, while a horse’s only has two.

However, it is not an easy task to milk horses. If you look closer, you will see that horses have smaller teats than cows. Each teat also has two tiny holes at its tip. A cow’s teat, on the other hand, is much larger. This makes it easier to milk the milk and determine the direction of the milk. Horse teats are small and can be oriented in different directions. This makes it an entirely different experience. Horses produce as much milk as their foals require, while dairy cows produce large quantities of milk for human consumption.
Horse udders don’t have the same inflammation problems as cow udders. During milking, cows can get inflamed udders. The udder can be infected by bacteria from milking equipment or human hands. It is most common in the last stages of lactation, when the milk remains in the udder for long times.
How do they look?
Their udders are located between the hind legs of a horse. These udders are visible in all mares, but they will not be visible if the mare has never had a foal. They grow larger when a mare becomes pregnant. The foal’s mammary gland starts to produce milk.
A mare’s udders are more stable than the low-bearing udders that cows have. Horses’ udders are smaller than those of cows, so they don’t protrude from their belly as much.
Do Horse Udders Change During Pregnancy?
Horses’ udders can give vital information about their health and whether they are pregnant. The gestation time for a horse can be approximately 11 months, but it can vary by several days. Horse owners should pay close attention to their horses’ udders. Horses’ udders can become distended a few weeks before foaling. It becomes larger as the horse prepares to welcome the foal.
The horse is closer to giving birth, so the teats attached at the udder become larger. These teats can be easily seen and distinguished from the udders. A wax-like substance is found on the teats about a day before the foal’s birth. This is the nutrient-rich, colostrum the foal will eat shortly after its birth.
What about Horse Milk?
Horses have udders because their foals rely on the milk they get from their mothers. Mothers must give their newborn calf a lot of love and attention. It is important that newborn calfs start eating within two to four hours of their birth. A mare’s first milk, just like humans, is rich in nutrients and colostrum that contains vital antibodies to support foal immunity. The foal’s gut development is also affected by the bacteria on the udder.
Foals can consume approximately 15 liters per day of milk and can be fed up to six times per hour. This is quite a lot of milk. Mares must produce at least two percent of their body weight in milk per day to accommodate this. A 1000-pound mare would produce at least five gallons per day. This high milk production is continued for six months. The milk’s nutrient content decreases during this period and thereafter. As they grow, the foal will likely gain nutrients from other food sources.
A mare who is not in good health, either overweight or underweight, will not produce a lot of milk. Surprisingly it is not the quantity that is lacking, but the quality. It is deficient in the nutrients that the foal requires.
Horses are not used for nursing or pregnancies
There are many reasons why a mare’s udders may become larger than normal, other than pregnancy. Common inflammation, or mastitis, is the first. This can be caused by an infection from many places. The udders may become swollen in these cases. The teats can also secrete fluid when touched and may feel tender. Mastitis can be treated by early detection.
Cushing’s disease is a tumor found in the pituitary gland. The tumor can cause excessive hormone secretion. Particularly, the hormone prolactin can cause horses’ udders to swell, and produce milk even without becoming pregnant.
It’s safe to drink
This seems like a reasonable question considering that horses have udders. Humans can drink cow’s, goat’s, sheep’s, or even camel milk. Horse milk is not so farfetched. Mare milk, also known as horse milk, is rich in vitamins C, polyunsaturated fat acids, and whey protein, making it a healthy choice. It is not as rich as cow’s milk.
Horses only produce milk when their foals need it. Mare milk is not widely available because of this. It is difficult to milk a horse, but it will deprive the foal the nutrients it requires for growth. Mare milk is a popular delicacy in many European countries.
It’s a great use of your time!
Horses have udders to feed their young. For the first six months, foals are dependent upon their mother’s milk. The horse udder plays a vital role in providing milk storage and delivery to foals as required. The udder’s bacteria plays an important role in foal development. Horse owners can also use the udder to determine when their horse will foal, and if there is a problem. Udders are very useful!