Last Updated on August 21, 2023 by Allison Price
I am flexible.
There are not many things I consider critical. There are some rules that must be followed when feeding horses.
There are many things you can do to feed your horse. He will be happy. You can feed your horse from a metal or pink bucket. Doesn’t matter. There are a lot of bags that contain feed, most of which are pretty good. They also come in attractive packaging and are well-priced. There are many supplements you can give to your horse. You won’t hurt him, but it’s not likely that you will. But, I don’t mind if you make your horse happy and you’re not harming his health.
Hot dogs, oranges and hot dogs, carrots, watermelon, hot dog, hot dogs, hot dogs, hot dates, potatoes – all things people have said their horses eat – I’m all good (especially if the cheese is extra… that’s not for them).
You must follow seven rules when it comes down to feeding your horse. Your horse will suffer if you don’t adhere to these rules. These are the only seven rules.Dinnertime!
1. Your horse’s diet should primarily consist of forage
Your horse must eat a majority of its diet from pasture, hay, and hay products, such as hay pellets and hay cubes. Although watermelon can be a good snack, your horse cannot eat it. You should not give your horse grain unless you have a specific caloric requirement. Horses need forage to survive. Let it be.
2. Horses should have access to clean, fresh water all the time
Some things are so obvious they don’t require much explanation. Make sure your horse’s water source is clean, such as a trough. This tip is for you: Although you may not want your horse to drink from its water source, it should be possible to at least consider doing so.
3. Always feed high-quality food
It’s true, I really mean it. Although it isn’t true for everyone, there is at least some truth in the saying “You are what your eat.” This also applies to horses.
Poor quality feed (e.g. brown, moldy, or dusty hay), can cause your horse to lose almost all the nutrients it is supposed provide. Mold, dust, and fungal infections are not good for horses and can cause them to become sick. For example, hay that lacks green color means that it has lost a lot of its nutritional value. I believe you should sell your horse or find a new home for him if you don’t care enough. Both of you will be happier over the long-term.Working horses may need extra energy.
4. Give your horse extra energy if he or she needs it.
Your horse may need more energy if he is too thin, such as if his rib cage appears a lot like a harp’s. In this instance, energy is another way of saying “calories”.
For example, horses who exercise a lot will require a lot of calories. This is because they are using their energy to run around, jump over fences, pull wagons, or just trotting in the same place. A mare making milk for her foal will need more energy. It takes a lot calories to produce milk, so she will likely require extra energy. Your older horse might need extra energy to maintain his weight.
Although more forage is the best way to increase energy (that’s, calories), it doesn’t always solve all the problems. Two problems arise here. The first is that the horse’s stomach is not very large considering the horse’s size. The second is the fact that hay can be bulky. Horses that require a lot of calories may eat hay to keep them nourished.
Extra calories are needed for horses with high energy requirements. Extra calories can be found in grains, such as oats. But they also come in fats. These fats can be in oils (such as vegetable oil) or in fat-containing foods like rice bran.
Although pulp made from sugar beet appears to be very popular in some regions, it is not as calorie-dense as grains and certainly not as dense with fats. Although some horses do gain weight from beet pulp, it is not a miracle food and some horses do not like the taste. It’s always something for horses.Never give your horse five pounds. He won’t know how to spend it anyway.
5. You should never feed your horse more than five pounds of grain at a time if you have decided to feed him.
Horses who are required to race a lot, such as racehorses or Thoroughbreds, often get grain. Horses are fed lots of oats and other grains on Thoroughbred tracks. Too much grain can cause problems for horses, especially if it is given in one feeding. Gastric ulcers can be caused by excessive grain feeding. Excessive feeding of grain can also lead to problems in horses such as laminitis.
6. Regularly feed your pet at least twice daily
Horses eat 23 hours per day in the wild. You can try mimicking the natural horse behavior of “natural” horses. Your horse will be grateful for your efforts. You’ll need to make adjustments if you don’t want to.
According to nutrition studies, there is no benefit to feeding your horse more than three times per day. While he will be fine eating twice a day, smaller meals more often are more in line with what the horse needs. You can feed your horse more feed if you spread it over time.
You can dump all the forage in a stall and let your horse go at his pace, but that is also wasteful. Nothing is worse than your horse getting trampled on bedding that can cost as much as $20 per bale.Too much to ask of a horse
7. Slowly make any dietary changes to your horse over the course of several weeks. This is for a variety reasons including colic prevention.
After you have a clear understanding of what your horse needs, it’s easy to feed your horse. You can feed your horse alfalfahay to increase energy and protein. You can also choose a lower-calorie grass hay. If you do decide to change, it is important to slowly transition from one feed (alfalfa), to another.
You can easily find feed products that will help you achieve your goals if you have clearly defined goals for your horse’s nutrition. You will find it easy to follow a few simple rules and your horse will do just fine.