Last Updated on March 18, 2022 by Allison Price
Your horse has lots of hair. It’s a lot. Did you know that hairs on horses are very different from one another? There are many types of hair on horses, each with its own functions.
Although this may seem obvious to many, knowing more about your horse’s hair will allow you to appreciate how amazing these creatures are. There are three major categories of hair for horses: permanent hair, temporal hair, and tactile hair.
This is our favorite type of hair. Permanent Hair is what makes your horse look better. These permanent hairs make your horse look prettier, more healthy, and more valuable.
These permanent hairs not only make your horse look amazing, but they also serve a number of other important functions. These permanent hairs are located in the best places to protect your horse in many ways. The eyelashes protect your horse’s vision from injury. The tail is also great at keeping bugs and flies away from your horse’s skin, especially as it grows longer .

Your horse’s mane is perhaps the most valuable permanent hair. Your horse’s mane is used to protect its head and major blood vessels. These blood vessels supply blood essential to the brain. The thicker, longer and healthier your horse’s hair, the better it will look and the safer your horse will feel. A nutritional supplement would be great!
Temporary hair is the most common type of hair on horses’ coats. It’s also known as temporary hair. This hair is typically shed twice per year depending on the season: once in spring and one in fall. This temporary hair regulates your horse’s body temperature. It also provides your horse with an environment-protective barrier. It is obvious that horses with thicker hair will have more sun exposure in areas where they are most likely to be exposed to the direct sunlight. Horse breeds come from all sizes and colors. The color of your horse’s temporary hairs (or coat) can have an impact on how it regulates body temperature. A lighter coat can be more effective in sunny and hot areas.
Coat glossiness, in addition to its color, can also affect your horse’s ability regulate its body temperature. BioMane Equine Pellets have been shown to increase the glossiness, health, and shine of horses’ coats.
Tactile hairs are hairs that grow on the horse’s muzzle, in his ears and around his eyes. These hairs tend to be thicker and more rigid than other hairs on horses. These hairs are connected to nerve endings which play an important sensory function for your horse.
Our horses are amazing animals, as we have already said. This is evident in the anatomical arrangement and diversity of horses’ hair. Your horse’s hair is a valuable asset. It can be tactile, permanent, or temporary. Healthy hair is important for horses. It protects vital blood vessels and regulates body temperature. BioMane Equine pellets were designed to give your horse the nutrients and amino acid necessary for healthy hair.